Helping Dreams Come True

Yours and our dreams together

As a young student in art school, there were dreams to behold. I carried within me the dream of someday making it big. Nearing graduation, I began to grasp the reality of who I was and what was most important in my life. For a time, I grieved the loss of the early dreams of my student years. My life experiences began to speak to me through teachers and others those earlier dreams, in reality, were shallow. Desire and heart, in time, took me to places I would never have dreamed possible. I have come to know that dreams are found in the ordinary, everyday lives we live.

The book on the right is a mixture of drawings, prose, poetry, and a variety of stories from my life experiences. intertwined with the stories are the life experiences of so many others that shaped my life.  The book is available at Amazon Books.

For more information contact Robert Buckner using the button below.



A Lesson in Perspective

The Artist’s Eye

It is the time of Spring and the Juniper trees are in bloom. I was hiking along the bluffs of one of the Whitewater tributaries. The photo to the left was taken as I made my way down a steep and rugged trail to the green valley below. The nature of the scene below appeared still and pristine, from the heights the grass looked manicured,  placid waters of the stream filling its banks. I continued down, carefully, to the valley floor and I took the photo on the far left.

Because of the different perspectives, it is difficult for the eye to believe the subject of the two photos are one and the same. The flow of the stream, dynamic, filled my ears with sound, the manicured grass but an illusion.

An Afternoon Hike

There is more to the story

Because of the curiosity of naturalists, science tells us these trees together, appearing as if they are individuals are in fact one. Looks can be deceiving and photos rarely tell only a part of the story. A thousand words I am told. I imagine the creatures of the forest have known the truth all along.