The Now, & the Art of Writing.

Art and writing go hand in hand

The poem “Set Our Hearts Free” was written in the late spring of the year 2020. The poem is my response to the pain and suffering that, as like a storm, the COVID19 pandemic swirls about us. As  I wrote the poem, reflecting on loved ones, I couldn’t help but think of the gospel story of Jesus calming the storm at sea.”

While words on a  page don’t require an image, an image does not require the words.  Once they come together, it seems they belong together. It seems to be symbolic of our life as we continue to live on this beautiful earth, in this our moment of time.

At this moment, think about what one can do to calm the stormy times we are living at this moment of time. Is there someone waiting for you? Now may be the time for a call, a card, or letter in this time as we all struggle through the storms of the COVID19 pandemic.